Name: Christopher Orlando Barran
Birth Place: Guyana, South America
Residence Place: Queens, NY, USA
GPA: 3.5 at CCNY
Name: Christopher Orlando Barran
Birth Place: Guyana, South America
Residence Place: Queens, NY, USA
GPA: 3.5 at CCNY
I believe architecture is the expression of humanity’s technological progress and adaptations to change. Everything in our environment is architecture; bad architecture will make way for better architecture. I believe architecture can solve many of our daily problems, such as traffic on the highways, polluted city air, or even our mental health! We can design environments that are proactive instead of reactive. We can innovate and build sustainable practices in our community. We can look at the past for precedents and the future for design aspirations. We have digital data and technology to make architecture immensely more efficient and cost-effective. I am excited to be a part of this endeavor as an architect in training. I look forward to having the opportunity for personal and professional growth at your firm.